
Digital Organizational Form: Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

Date:2024.05.08 08:26Views:


(Celedog Res research wasfirst published in Beijing in July 2022 and updated in Chengdu in May 2024)


In the face of unprecedented challenges and opportunities brought about by the rapid advancement of digitalization and the AGI wave, enterprises are undergoing unprecedented organizational transformations. Particularly, the rapid evolution of general artificial intelligence (AGI) is reshaping every aspect of the business environment and organizational operations. In this context, Biz-Agile® emerges as a business-oriented enterprise-level operational management system for future business entities. It adopts a unified combat team form of business-technology integration, which is lean, highly autonomous, and liquid in organizational form. By breaking through traditional organizational boundaries (both horizontally and vertically), Biz-Agile® achieves a dual-driven development of innovation and efficiency, making it the ultimate organizational form for digital enterprises.

Organizational challenges in the digital age

Driven by the rapid wave of digitalization and AGI, business organizations are undergoing profound transformation. Digitalization and AGI have not only changed the way products and services are delivered, but they have also reshaped customer expectations, the competitive landscape of the market, and the nature of work. To remain competitive in this era, businesses must rethink and redesign their organizational structures.

1. The main challenges faced by major organizational forms in the digital era

Figure 1: Analysis and challenges of major organizational morphological characteristics

1. Sectional organization

o   Bureaucratic organizations used to be effective because of their clear chain of command and decision-making processes, but in the digital age, this structure often leads to slow decision-making and difficulty in responding quickly to market changes. In addition, the transfer of information between levels can lead to miscommunication and hindered innovation.

2. Platform-based organization

o   While platform-based organizations facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and resource sharing, their management complexity also increases. In the context of digitalization, platform-based organizations need more efficient coordination mechanisms to maintain their operations while ensuring data security and privacy protection.

3. Matrix organization

o   Matrix organizations improve resource efficiency by combining the strengths of functional departments and product projects. However, dual reporting relationships can lead to role conflicts, and employees may face instructions with inconsistent priorities, affecting team collaboration and efficiency.

4. Liquid tissue

o   Liquid organizations stand out in the digital age with their flexibility and adaptability. However, this organizational form also faces management challenges, such as maintaining organizational stability, ensuring that employees are continuously up-to-date, and maintaining strategic coherence in the face of rapid change.

5. Network-based organization

o   Network-based organizations share resources and complement each other by building a network of partners and alliances. In the digital age, this form of organization requires greater connectivity and cooperation between networks, but managing this fragmented network structure to ensure a consistent strategic direction and cultural integration is a challenge.

6. Project-based organization

o   The project-based organizational structure is built around a specific project, allowing for a high degree of focus and flexibility in responding to project needs. However, the team may be disbanded or reorganized after the project ends, which can lead to difficulties in long-term team stability and culture.

7. Flattened tissue

o   Flat hierarchies speed up decision-making, foster innovation, and increase employee engagement by reducing management hierarchies. However, this structure requires high management capacity, which can lead to excessive decentralization of power and increased difficulty in conflict resolution.

2. The impact and challenges of AGI on the future enterprise organization design

Artificial general intelligence, especially generative AI, as a cutting-edge technology in the field of artificial intelligence, indicates that intelligent systems will have a higher level of autonomy and creativity. The development and application of AGI will have a profound impact on the future organizational design of enterprises, but also bring a series of challenges.

1. Automation and innovation accelerate

o   AGI's ability to automate complex tasks, from data analysis to decision support, will greatly improve the operational efficiency of enterprises. At the same time, AGI's innovation capabilities can drive the development of new products and solutions and accelerate the pace of enterprise innovation.

2. Changes in organizational structure

o   As AGI is applied in the enterprise, the traditional hierarchical structure may be replaced by more flexible teams and project teams. The introduction of AGI will lead to a flatter and more networked organizational structure to adapt to the rapidly changing market demand.

3. Workforce development challenges

o   AGI will change the nature of jobs, requiring employees to learn new skills and adapt to new ways of working. Businesses need to invest in employee training and career development to ensure that the workforce can keep pace with technological advancements.

4. Ethics and compliance issues

o   The application of AGI raises a range of ethical and compliance issues, including data privacy, algorithmic transparency, and the ethical responsibility of machine decision-making. Companies must have policies and procedures in place to ensure that the use of AGI complies with legal regulations and societal expectations.

5. Safety & Reliability

o   With the application of AGI in critical business processes, the security and reliability of the system becomes critical. Enterprises need to establish strong security mechanisms to protect AGI systems from cyber attacks and abuse.

6. The needs of interdisciplinary teams

o   The development and application of AGI requires the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams, including data scientists, software engineers, business analysts, and industry experts. Businesses need to build diverse teams that foster innovation and solve complex problems.

7. Adaptation of organizational culture

o   The introduction of AGI requires companies to establish an open and innovative organizational culture that encourages employees to embrace new technologies, learn from failures, and constantly explore new ways of working.

8. The complexity of strategic planning

o   Companies need to consider the long-term impact of AGI when developing strategic planning, including technology trends, market changes, and potential disruptive innovations.

AGI offers great potential for the future of enterprise organizational design, but it also brings a series of challenges. Enterprises need to make adjustments and preparations in strategic planning, organizational structure, talent development, ethics and compliance, safety and security, and cultural construction to make the most of the opportunities and challenges presented by AGI.

In these challenges, enterprises need to find new ways to increase decision-making speed, promote innovation, strengthen cross-departmental collaboration, and ultimately achieve the composability of organizational structure to quickly respond to market changes. The Biz-Agile® and Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration (i.e., Liquid-type Business-Technology Integration Team) proposed by Celedog Res are born in this context, aiming to help enterprises build a more flexible, innovative, and efficient organizational structure in the era of digitalization and AGI.

Towards a Biz-Agile® value symbiotic organizational model

In the digital age, as AGI approaches rapidly, enterprises face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. To maintain competitiveness, enterprises must adopt flexible and innovative organizational models to quickly respond to market changes. The Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration in Biz-Agile® serves as a value-coexisting organizational model, providing a development path for digital enterprises.

1. Concept and Core Features of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

In the natural world, liquids can change their shape according to the shape of the container and environmental conditions, and this adaptability and fluidity provides inspiration for organizational design. The Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration in Biz-Agile® borrows from this feature, forming a new type of organizational structure that breaks through traditional departmental boundaries. By integrating business experts, technical experts, and functional experts, it combines organization and human resources based on combat scenarios, forming cross-functional, goal-oriented, and responsibility-equality end-to-end business combat teams. This team can flexibly adapt to changes and quickly respond to market demands, driving enterprise innovation, development, and technological progress.

Key features:

1)No fixed form:

o   There is no fixed organizational structure for the team, and team members and roles can be dynamically adjusted according to operational scenarios, project needs, and market changes.

o   All organizations in the enterprise are resource capacity building centers, producing high-quality generalists for operational scenarios.

2)Cross-Functional Collaboration:

o   Team members come from different professional backgrounds, including business analysis, technology development, marketing, product design, finance, supply chain, human resources, operations, technical services, and other fields to achieve deep cross-functional collaboration and end-to-end responsibility.

3)High degree of autonomy:

o   Teams typically have a high degree of autonomy, with team members able to self-organize and manage, make decisions quickly, and execute quickly.

4)Goal-oriented and benefit-sharing:

o   Teams are organized around common business goals, operational objectives, or project outcomes, and all activities are geared toward achieving these specific goals.

o   Break the traditional performance and benefit distribution model, and share benefits around operational goals and individual contributions, so that all organizations and human resources can "make a hole in their strength and make a hole in their profits".

5)Flexibility and Adaptability:

o   Similar to liquid mobility, teams are able to respond quickly to external changes, reallocate resources, and adjust strategies.

6)Convergence of technology and business:

o   Technologists and business experts are equally important in the team, and their knowledge and skills are combined to solve business problems.

7)Pipeline Management:

o   All resources are managed transparently through pipelines, and resource shelving and man-hour management are implemented to ensure maximum resource utilization.

8)Control dissolves in service:

o   The management and control responsibilities of the original functional departments of the enterprise are regularized and standardized, and high-quality management and control is completed efficiently and consistently through digital intelligence, and the human resources of the original functional departments are transformed into BP or COE, and the integrated combat team of Business-Technology is invested to provide professional functional services.

9)Continuous Learning & Innovation:

o   The team encourages innovative thinking and continuous learning, seeing change as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

10)Transparency in Performance:

o   Team performance and individual contributions are evaluated transparently, often using a real-time quantitative approach to track progress and effectiveness.

The organizational advantage of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration lies in its high adaptability and fluidity, which enables the team to quickly respond to market changes and technological progress, always keeping in sync with business needs, and achieving full-stack professional collaboration from concept to delivery, focusing on achieving business goals.

2. Core Value of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

Digital enterprises face unprecedented challenges in the ever-evolving technological waves and ever-changing market environment. To maintain competitiveness, these enterprises must be able to quickly adapt to technological progress and market changes, which is exactly what the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration in Biz-Agile® can provide as its core value.

1)Technological adaptability

o   Digital enterprises need teams that can quickly grasp and apply new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, etc., to stay ahead of the curve.

2)Market sensitivity

o   Through close market monitoring and customer feedback, the team is able to capture market trends and changes in consumer demand in a timely manner.

3)Resource integration capabilities

o   These teams are able to quickly integrate resources inside and outside the organization, including funding, technology, talent, etc., to support the rapid launch and execution of new projects.

4)Cross-sector collaboration

o   Teams break down barriers between departments, facilitate collaboration between different business units, and provide fertile ground for innovation.

5)Innovation accelerates

o   The team's cross-functional nature and flexible way of working provide room for innovative thinking, accelerating the innovation cycle from concept to market.

6)Customer engagement

o   By working closely with our customers, the team is able to ensure that products and services are developed in a way that is closely tailored to customer needs and increases market acceptance.

7)risk management

o   The flexibility of the team allows the business to effectively manage project risks and quickly adjust strategies in response to uncertainty.

8)Keep learning

o   In a rapidly changing digital environment, team members need to continuously learn new skills and knowledge, and the team provides such a learning culture and mechanism.


o   The way teams work helps shape a culture of openness, innovation, and collaboration, which is critical to attracting and retaining talent.

10)Performance & Motivation

o   The team's performance management system ensures that team members' goals are aligned with the company's strategy and increases team motivation through innovative incentives.

11)Strategic alignment

o   The team is able to ensure that day-to-day operations are closely aligned with the corporate strategy, so that the team's work directly contributes to the long-term goals of the organization.

12)Agile response

o   In the face of market changes or crises, teams are able to quickly restructure and adjust to respond to challenges in the most agile way.

The Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration represents an organizational design that adapts to the digital age. By breaking through traditional organizational boundaries, it promotes the deep integration of business and technology, bringing unprecedented flexibility and innovation capabilities to enterprises.

Digital enterprises, through the construction of Integrated Combat Teams of Business-Technology Integration, not only improve their own technological adaptability and market sensitivity but also maintain their competitive advantage in the rapidly changing business environment, achieving continuous innovation and development.

The Construction Principles and Core Elements of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

In the digital age, building an Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration that can quickly respond to market changes and drive continuous enterprise innovation is the key to success. This section will delve into the basic principles and core elements of constructing the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration in Biz-Agile® to ensure that the team can operate efficiently and maximize business value.

1. Principles of construction

The five basic principles for constructing the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration are lean, autonomous, liquid, open, and innovative.

i. The principle of elite soldiers emphasizes the selection and training of high-quality talents, and ensures that team members have the necessary professional skills and collaborative spirit of "one specialty and multiple abilities".

ii.  The principle of autonomy encourages employees to self-manage and self-motivate, giving teams greater autonomy by developing effective rules of autonomy to promote flexibility and innovation.

iii. Liquid Principles enable employees to flow and adapt like liquids, dynamically adjusting team structures and roles based on project needs, operational scenarios, and market changes.

iv.Open Principles Promote a culture of open communication and collaboration, a culture of real-time transparent performance, and encourage team members to share knowledge, skills, and ideas.

v. Innovation Principles Emphasizing the importance of innovation, teams are encouraged to learn from failures and constantly explore new solutions to promote individual and team growth.

2. the core elements

The core elements of constructing the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration include:

i. Guiding the ultimate business value Ensure that all of the team's activities are closely aligned with the organization's operational objectives, business objectives, and strategy.

ii. All-rounders with interdisciplinary integration Cultivate all-rounders  who can work in different fields to enhance the adaptability and innovation of the team.

iii. Resource shelving and resource trading Establish personal portraits and work files, implement all resources on the shelf management, optimize resource allocation through the internal talent market mechanism, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization.

iv. Time & Pricing, Real-Time Quantitative Performance Management Implement a real-time quantitative performance management system to ensure that team members' work contributions and values are fairly evaluated and rewarded.

v. Service-based management and control Standardize and regularize the management and control functions, integrate the management and control functions into the service, and achieve efficient and consistent quality management through digital and intelligent means.

vi. Collaboration between the resource line and the operational line Establish a clear coordination mechanism, the resource line is responsible for capacity building, exporting human resources that meet the requirements to the combat scenario, and conducting internal transactions through resource buying and selling to ensure effective coordination between the resource line and the operational line.



Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the integrated combat team of Business-Technology integration

Through an in-depth analysis of these construction principles and core elements, the aim is to provide enterprises with a clear framework for building and optimizing their Integrated Combat Teams of Business-Technology Integration, thereby achieving success in the digital age.

The Construction of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

In the wave of digital transformation and AGI technology-driven, building an efficient Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration is the key for enterprises to achieve Biz-Agile®, promote innovation, and enhance competitiveness. This section outlines two key elements in constructing the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration: defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing communication and collaboration mechanisms. These elements together form the foundation for the success of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration, helping enterprises achieve business agility and continuous innovation in the era of digitalization.

1. Definition of roles and responsibilities

In the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration, each role is crucial, including but not limited to:

截屏2024-05-08 07.55.39.png

Figure 3: Key Roles and Key Measurement Indicators (Generic) in the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration

Owner of the combat scenario

o   Responsible for developing and executing comprehensive strategic planning for operational scenarios, ensuring that team goals are aligned with the long-term vision and goals of the organization.

o   Manage the team, including the selection, training, coaching, and evaluation of members to build an effective team.

o   Make key decisions, including resource allocation, project direction, and risk management, to drive the team toward goals.

o   Act as a bridge between the team and senior management, ensuring that team activities are properly supported and recognized.

Scenario Architect

o   Design the technical architecture of the combat scenario to ensure that the architecture can support current and future business needs.

o   Responsible for the feasibility analysis and innovative design of technical solutions to drive technological progress.

o   Continuously monitor and optimize existing architectures to respond to market changes and technology evolutions.

o   As a technical leader, coach the technical team and collaborate with other departments to ensure that technical decisions are aligned with business goals.

Market Representatives

o   Conduct market research, analyze market trends and competitors, and provide data support for product positioning and sales strategies.

o   Develop and execute sales strategies, including pricing, promotions, and channel management, to increase market share.

o   Manage customer relationships, including maintaining existing customers and developing new ones, to increase customer loyalty.

o   Respond quickly to market changes and adjust sales strategies to seize new opportunities.

Product Representative

o   Responsible for the full lifecycle management of products from concept to market, including requirements collection, design, development, testing and launch.

o   Ensure product development meets predetermined timelines, budgets, and quality standards.

o   Drive product innovation to ensure that products can meet market needs and be competitive.

o   Coordinate cross-functional teamwork to integrate resources to optimize the product development process.

Supply Representative

o   Manage the supply chain and ensure the timely supply of raw materials and materials to support production and operations.

o   Implement quality control processes to ensure that supplies meet product standards and specifications.

o   Optimize supply chain management and increase efficiency through procurement strategy, inventory management, and logistics coordination.

o   Build and maintain relationships with suppliers to improve supply chain flexibility and responsiveness.

Purchasing Representatives

o   Responsible for the development and execution of procurement plans, including supplier selection, negotiation and contract management.

o   Reduce costs and improve procurement efficiency through effective procurement strategies.

o   Monitor market changes, evaluate supplier performance, and ensure transparency and compliance in procurement activities.

o   Manage risks, including supply chain disruptions and price fluctuations, to ensure the stability of procurement activities.

Service Representatives

o   Provide high-quality customer service and after-sales support to ensure customer satisfaction.

o   Manage the service team to ensure that the service process is efficient and responsive.

o   Collect customer feedback and work with product teams to continuously improve products and services.

o   Build long-term customer relationships and increase customer loyalty and retention.

Platform Representatives

o   Provide necessary functional support, including human resources, administrative, legal, and financial services, to support the operation of the team.

o   Manage internal processes and policies to ensure compliance and efficiency in your team's operations.

o   Responsible for risk management, identifying potential risks and developing mitigation measures accordingly.

o   Participate in the decision-making process as a strategic partner to the team and provide professional advice.

Representative of digital technology

o   Responsible for managing and optimizing information technology applications for operational scenarios, including process automation and data analytics.

o   Drive digital transformation to improve business efficiency and competitiveness through technological innovation.

o   Manage IT projects to ensure they are delivered on time and meet expectations.

o   Work with business teams to ensure that technology solutions support business objectives.

Customer Representatives

o   Serve as a point of contact between the client and the team, ensuring that customer needs are accurately understood and communicated.

o   Coordinate internal and external resources to drive customer needs.

o   Collect and analyze customer feedback to provide a basis for product improvement and service optimization.

o   Maintain customer trust and loyalty, and build strong customer relationships.

2. Communication and collaboration mechanism

In the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration, efficient communication and collaboration mechanisms are key to ensuring that the team can quickly respond to market changes, promote innovation, and improve execution power. This mechanism not only involves the circulation of information but also includes trust, sharing, and cooperation among team members. To achieve this, teams should take the following steps:

1)Communicate goals and expectations clearly: Make sure each member understands the team's shared goals and their role in achieving them.

2)Build a culture of trust: Encourage team members to share ideas and opinions openly without fear of risk and failure.

3)Promote diversity and inclusion: Respect different perspectives and backgrounds, and use diversity to foster innovative thinking.

4)Use collaboration technology: Leverage modern communication and collaboration tools, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software, to support remote work and distributed teams.

5)Continuous feedback and dialogue: Encourage team members to provide and receive feedback to promote continuous learning and improvement.

The Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration adopts the "One Report, One Meeting, One Platform" method to achieve efficient communication and collaboration:

1)First Report - Operational Scenario Operational Analysis Report: Regularly compile and share operational analysis reports that provide a detailed overview of the team's work, including key performance indicators, project progress, risks and opportunities.

2)1st Meeting - Regular Operational Scenario Meeting: Regular meetings, including daily stand-up meetings, weekly reviews, and monthly business analysis meetings, are held to ensure that the team is synchronized and problems are resolved in a timely manner.

3)One Platform - X-ONE: Leverage the X-ONE platform as a central hub for team communication and collaboration. This article will not specifically elaborate on the application of X-ONE and generative AI in the enterprise integrated combat system, but will have a special article on Huahui Viewpoint.

Through this structured communication and collaboration mechanism, the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration ensures that each member can obtain the necessary information in a timely manner, participate in the decision-making process, and work together to achieve common goals.

Successful cases and experience analysis

Through in-depth analysis of two corporate case studies, we can specifically understand how the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration implements changes at different levels and domains and achieves significant results.

Case 1: Company-wide Business-Technology Integration and One-Team Transformation

Company Description: D, a global technology company focused on providing advanced software development and IT services.

Pre-change challenges: Company D faced the problems of slow market response, long product development cycle, and inefficient collaboration between teams.

Key Change Initiatives:

o   This company implemented a company-wide business-technology integration and one-team transformation by integrating strategic customers, market, technology, service, and platform teams to form cross-functional, customer- and business scenario-based integrated combat teams, thereby increasing decision-making speed and market adaptability.

o   Established a company-wide talent profile and work history library, dynamic pricing mechanism, work hour management system, internal trading market, and real-time performance evaluation system, achieving full resource listing management and buying and selling management.

o   Introduced an enterprise-level integrated combat system and platform, realizing fully digitalized internal operations and decision-making command.

Transformative Effect:

o   Time-to-market has been reduced from an average of 11 months to 3 months.

o   A 30% increase in customer satisfaction is achieved through rapid response to market feedback.

o   The efficiency of internal collaboration has been increased by 40%, and the internal operating costs have been reduced by 30%.

o   For two consecutive years, the compound growth rate of revenue has reached 50%, and the profit growth rate has exceeded 20%.

Case 2: Organizational reform of integrated operations around the whole life cycle of products

Company Introduction: Multinational manufacturing enterprise E, mainly producing and selling high-end machinery and equipment.

Pre-change challenges: There is a serious disconnect between product development and market promotion for enterprise E, resulting in low market acceptance of new products and long time-to-market cycles.

Key Change Initiatives:

o   Company E built an Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration around the product's strategic planning to market operation full lifecycle. This team covers experts in market research, product development, production manufacturing, sales, and customer service.

o   The "one report, one meeting, one platform" of the integrated combat system of industrial and technological integration has been fully implemented.

Transformative Effect:

o   The new product development cycle has been reduced from 36 months to 18 months, and the R&D cost has been reduced by 50%.

o   The efficiency of product marketing has been improved, the promotion cost has been reduced by 25%, and the market acceptance has increased by 40%.

o   Customer feedback response time has been reduced from 6 months to 1 week, and customer satisfaction has increased by 30%.

Lessons Learned

From the above cases, we can extract the following lessons and takeaways:

o   Buy-in and leadership from the top is key to driving organizational change.

o   Clear goals and strategic alignment ensure that teams are working in a common direction.

o   The establishment of cross-functional teams helps to break down departmental silos and facilitate the flow of information and knowledge sharing.

o   The setting of quantitative indicators helps to evaluate the effectiveness of changes and provides a basis for continuous improvement.

o   Constant communication and collaboration are important factors in ensuring that your team runs smoothly.

Through these case analyses, enterprises can design and implement an Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration tailored to their own characteristics and needs, to address the challenges of the digital and AGI era.

Future outlook and implementation recommendations

As digitalization and general artificial intelligence (AGI) technology continue to advance, the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration will play an increasingly critical role in future enterprise organizations. The core value of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration is self-evident, but it also faces significant challenges. Celedog Research Institute will continue to refine the organizational design of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration based on the practical experience of global digital enterprise organizational transformation.

Celedog Research Institute proposes a prospect for the future development trend of organizations based on the global business environment, technological change, and organizational maturity, and provides suggestions for building future digital organizations for reference by various enterprise organizational transformations.

1. Challenges Faced by the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration and Countermeasures

The core value of the Integrated Combat Team of Business-Technology Integration lies in its ability to quickly adapt to market changes, integrate customer, business, technology, and platform resources to achieve the enterprise's strategic goals. This team, through breaking through traditional organizational boundaries, promotes cross-functional collaboration and innovation, accelerates the conversion speed of products from concept to market, and greatly improves internal operational efficiency. However, this team also faces many challenges, including how to maintain organizational stability, ensure the continuous updating of employee skills, and maintain strategic consistency in high-speed change.

1)Maintenance of Organizational Stability:

o   Challenges: In the pursuit of rapid adaptation to market changes, teams may face frequent changes in organizational structure and unclear roles of employees, which may affect the stability and cohesion of the team.

o   Coping Strategies:

      § Strengthen team culture: Establish and maintain a strong team culture that ensures that all members understand the team's shared goals, values, and rules of governance.

      § Clarify roles and responsibilities: Define clear responsibilities and expectations for each team member to reduce uncertainty and confusion.

      § Enhance communication: Ensure the flow of information and transparency among team members through regular meetings and updates.

      § Flexibility & Support: Provide the team with the necessary resources and support to adapt to change while maintaining the core stability of the organization.

2)Continuous updating of employee skills:

o   Challenge: Technological advancements and the constant evolution of business needs require employees to continuously learn new skills to keep their teams competitive.

o   Coping Strategies:

      § Continuing education: Provide regular training and professional development sessions to help employees stay up-to-date with the latest technical and business knowledge.

      § Personal Development Plan: Work with employees to develop a personal development plan that encourages them to pursue professional growth and professional development.

      § Learning organization: Establish an organizational environment that encourages learning and sharing of knowledge, such as internal seminars, workshops, and knowledge-sharing platforms.

3)Maintaining strategic coherence:

o   Challenge: In a rapidly changing market, teams can be pressured to adjust their strategic direction frequently, which can lead to inconsistent strategy execution.

o   Coping Strategies:

      § Long-term perspective: Ensure that all strategic decisions are aligned with the organization's long-term vision and goals.

      § Strategic Communication: Communicate strategic goals and priorities clearly with team members, ensuring that everyone understands and is committed to achieving them.

      § Adaptive planning: Develop a flexible strategic plan that is able to adapt to market changes while maintaining the stability of the core strategy.

4)Technology Integration & Innovation:

o   Challenge: The rapid emergence of new technologies requires teams to continuously evaluate and integrate to drive business innovation while aligning technology with business goals.

o   Coping Strategies:

      § Technology Assessment: Establish a systematic process and evaluation model for assessing the potential value of new technologies and their support for business objectives.

      § Technology on the shelf: It is necessary to establish an enterprise-level technology market and package technical capabilities in the form of CBB to support the scenario application of the integrated combat team of various industries and technologies.

      § Cross-departmental collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different departments to ensure that technology solutions meet business needs.

      § Culture of innovation: Foster a culture of innovation where team members are encouraged to come up with new ideas and test them through experimentation and rapid prototyping.

      § Risk management: Conduct a risk assessment of the adoption of new technologies and develop mitigation strategies to mitigate possible negative impacts.

With these strategies, teams can better respond to challenges and maintain organizational stability, while continuously upskilling employees, ensuring strategic coherence, and effectively integrating new technologies to drive business innovation.

2. Prospects for future organizational development trends

Organizations of the future will rely more on flexible, adaptive team structures to respond to the rapid changes in the market. With the development of AGI technology, the organizational structure will tend to be flat and networked to improve the speed of decision-making and the ability to innovate. At the same time, companies will place greater emphasis on the continuous education and skill development of their employees to ensure that the workforce can keep pace with technological advancements. In addition, companies will face ethical and compliance issues such as data privacy, algorithmic transparency, and the ethical responsibility of machine decision-making.

Key development trends:

1)Adaptive vs. Agile Teams:

o   Organizations will adopt more agile team structures, such as cross-functional teams, to quickly adapt to market changes, and agile management methods to improve adaptability and responsiveness.

2)Technology-driven organizational structure:

o   With the development of technologies such as AGI, organizational structures tend to be flat and networked to improve decision-making speed and innovation capabilities, while promoting decision-making decentralization.

3)Continuous Learning & Skills Development:

o   Companies will focus on the continuous education of employees to ensure that the workforce keeps pace with technological advancements, providing career paths and promotion opportunities.

4)Ethical Compliance & Data Governance:

o   Organizations will face ethical challenges such as data privacy and algorithmic transparency, and will need to establish ethical frameworks and data governance mechanisms to ensure the responsible use of AI technologies.

5)Diversity & Sustainability:

o   Promote a culture of diversity and inclusion, attract and retain talent, and implement sustainable business practices and fulfill social responsibility to meet societal expectations.

These trends reflect where organizations are heading as they adapt to future market and technology changes, as well as the key strategies needed to achieve these goals.

3. Recommendations for building a digital organization of the future

To build a future-proof digital organization, we recommend that organizations consider the following key initiatives and implementation steps.

Key initiatives

1)Technological advancement and innovation:

o   Continuously track and adopt the latest technologies, such as AGI and machine learning, to drive business process automation and optimization of decision support systems. Ensure that the technology infrastructure can support rapid iteration and large-scale deployment.

2)Talent Diversity & Team Building:

o   Implement a diverse recruitment strategy and build teams with diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences to foster innovative thinking and cross-border collaboration. Enhance problem-solving and innovation through the complementary capabilities of team members.

3)Communication Transparency & Collaboration Tools:

o   Build a transparent, productive work environment with advanced collaboration platforms and communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Asana. Ensure team members can communicate in real-time and respond quickly to project needs.

4)Educational Continuity & Professional Development:

o   Establish a comprehensive employee development program that includes online courses, seminars, and certification programs to enhance employees' professional skills and industry knowledge. Employees are encouraged to participate in continuing education to adapt to technological developments and market changes.

5)Compliance & Ethical Standards:

o   Develop a comprehensive set of ethical guidelines and compliance policies to ensure that all technology applications and business practices comply with laws and regulations, industry standards, and societal expectations. Establish an ethics review committee to oversee the ethical implications of the application of the technology.

6)Risk prevention and management mechanism:

o   Establish a comprehensive risk management framework that includes risk identification, assessment, mitigation and monitoring. Leverage automated tools and data analytics to predict potential risks and develop countermeasures to protect your business from threats.

7)Cultural Adaptation and Organizational Change:

o   Foster an adaptable and flexible culture that encourages employees to embrace change, learn new skills, and explore new ways of working. Support the continuous evolution of corporate culture through leadership training and organizational change management.

Implementation steps

1)Technical Assessment & Upgrade Path:

o   Conduct regular technology audits to assess the capabilities of existing technology infrastructure and develop a roadmap for technology upgrades and modernizations to ensure alignment with long-term business goals.

2)Team Building & Role Definition:

o   Clarify team goals and role responsibilities to ensure team members understand their role in organizational change. Enhance team collaboration through role-playing and team-building activities.

3)Communication Optimization and Information Flow:

o   Optimize internal communication channels to ensure critical information is communicated quickly and accurately to all team members. Establish regular communication mechanisms, such as team meetings and project updates, to keep the team in sync.

4)Educational Programs & Skills Enhancement:

o   Design personalized learning paths to help employees develop critical skills. Through performance reviews, identify skills gaps and provide the necessary training and resources.

5)Policy Implementation and Supervision:

o   Ensure that all team members are aware of and adhere to the organization's ethics and compliance policies. Raise employees' awareness of the policy through regular training and communication.

6)Risk Management & Continuous Monitoring:

o   Implement a risk management plan, including regular risk assessment and monitoring. Establish a risk register to document all potential risks and corresponding mitigation measures.

7)Culture & Leadership:

o   Shape a positive corporate culture through leadership modeling and organizational practices. Encourage leadership to demonstrate open, innovative, and collaborative behaviors and set an example for employees.

8)Feedback Loops & Continuous Improvement:

o   Establish a formal feedback mechanism to collect employee opinions and suggestions for organizational change. Use feedback for continuous improvement and increase your organization's adaptability and flexibility.

9)Strategic Alignment & Market Adaptability:

o   Ensure that all organizational change initiatives are aligned with corporate strategy and able to adapt to market changes. Anticipate future trends and adjust strategies accordingly through strategic planning and market research.

By implementing these recommendations, companies can build a more flexible, innovative, and efficient organizational structure to meet the challenges of the digital age and AGI.

References and terminology


o   Gartner, Inc. (2022). Fusion team: Bridging the gap between business and IT. Gartner Business Insights.

o   Huahui International official website. (2024). Biz-Agile® is the future of business operations. HuaHui Viewpoint.

o   Smith, J. A., & Anderson, L. C. (2021). Liquid Organization Dynamics: Adapting to the Ebb and Flow of the Digital Age. Journal of Modern Management, 25(3), 204-222.

o (2016). Verzera, Stelio. "Liquid Organisation: People Driven Disruption."

Explanation of terms

o   Biz-Agile®: A future-oriented business management system created by Huahui Celedog Research Institute.

o   Convergence of business and technology: refers to the integration of business and technical teams to facilitate cross-functional collaboration and innovation, and accelerate the speed of product transformation from concept to market.

o   Integrated Combat Team: A new type of organizational structure that breaks down traditional departmental boundaries to form a cross-functional, business-aligned, end-to-end operational combat team.

o   Fluid Organizational Form: An organizational structure characterized by a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, with the ability to dynamically adjust team structures and roles in response to changes in the market and technology.

o   AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): refers to an artificial intelligence system capable of performing any intelligent task, with a high level of autonomy and creativity.

o   X-ONE: An enterprise-level integrated combat system platform developed by Huahui International, which is used to realize all-digital operation and decision-making and command within the enterprise.

o   Resource shelf management: A management practice that manages all resources transparently and optimizes resource allocation through the internal talent market mechanism.

o   CBB:Common Building Blocks, Refers to modules, components, and technologies that can be shared and utilized across different products and services.

o   Real-time quantitative performance management: A performance management system that enables real-time tracking and evaluation of team members' work contributions and value.

Note: Biz-Agile®, Business Agile® are registered trademarks of Shenzhen Huahui Times Management Consulting Co., Ltd.


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